Friday, September 18, 2009

Ucapan Terima Kasih dari Hospital Kuala Lumpur

Special thanks from Hospital Kuala Lumpur to our love, Fung Chia.

"Chia Chia, your contribution will not end here. We believe you always with us. Love you forever." - From your lovely family.
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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Friends' Message

Specially thanks to all Fung Chia's friends. Thanks for your giving and love to Fung Chia. We really appreciate and thanks so much for your care.

Take care and god bless.

From Fung Chia's Family

~Fung Chia's friends and classmates message during funeral~

~Letter from Fung Chia's friends~

~Fung Chia's friends and classmates signature~

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Saturday, August 22, 2009


我在此感謝所有的親戚朋友, 校長,老師,同學, 還有所有關心她的人. 能夠抽出寶貴的時間參加她的喪禮及陪她走完最後一程.

謝謝大家, 祝大家身體健康....

Dear all,

Thank you so much for attending Fung Chia's funeral. It really meant a lot to us especially Fung Chia to have you there. We really appreciate everything that you have done for us.

Thank you very much. Wish you all the best.

Take care and God Bless...

Fung Chia's Family
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Friday, August 21, 2009


致: 愛女鳳佳

雖然只是相聚短短的十八年, 妳帶給我們美好的回憶. 活潑可愛,燦爛的笑容將永遠留在我們的心中.

妳做了最偉大的決策,另我為妳而傲. 但願如有緣分能再續前緣.

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Our Forever Love

There is a love down in my soul.
Where faith and trust I do hold.
Love that will stand forever more.
That's what sisters were made for.

Together we've been through a lot.
Caring not what others thought.
We stood tall and held our groun.
Foundation from our mother kept us sound.

Now we've grown up and left the nest.
The love we share is still the best.
My sisters I do love you true.
My thoughts often travel back to you.

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Sweet Memory

We're sitting here in the room, looking at your beautiful picture.
Wondering why you couldn't be a part of my future.
Uncontrollable tears stream down my face,
While our heart beat starts to race.

We start asking god why he took you from our life,
It was more painful than stabbing me in the heart with a knife.
We still needed you here,
You were the one to make everything so perfect.

You are apart from us and we are apart of you,
When you died a part of us died too.
I never knew how hard it was to lose someone you love,
Until the day you went to heaven above.

Even though I can't see,
We know you up there watching over us.
We miss you more and more everyday,
And all we can do is pray.
In our heart you shall forever remain.

We love you Fung Chia, forever and ever.

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Trip with My Lovely Family Members

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My Friends

To All My Dearest Friends

You're my friend who is unique
A friend who is one of a kind
A friend who is perfect
A type of friend who is hard to find
A friend who is sweet
A friend who is perpetually fair
A friend that I know you will always be there

You're my friend who always gave me an amazing spirit
A friend with a striking heart
A friend who is trustworthy
A friend who is smart
A friend who assuages my pain
A friend who can dry my tears
A friend who has unrestricted love
A friend who can alleviate my fears
A friend who has an exquisite smile
And never be ignored

You're my dear friend I shall never forget
Best of all the friends I’ve ever met
I miss you all
God Bless All of You.

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